Jul 31, 2010

Guardian Lion Ring from Tokyo Japan

Here is another piece I got in Tokyo Japan.  This particular part of town, UraHarajuku is full of cool apparels and accessories.  You can never have enough dough to satisfy the desire for this fetish.  Produced by Kasuukoubo Japan.  Their  motto being, "Spreading the Japanese Culture to the World".  The inlay carved in the innerside of this ring has this flame of waves thing going on.  Nice and heavy, with curves of bond.   A Guardian Lion, a hybrid evolved from a Lion and a Dog.  The  statue that stands guard of the Temples in Japan.  A piece that will live with me forever.  Guarding my soul from the Evil.  METAL FOR LIFE.  伝説上の霊獣であり、「麒麟」に次いで格の高い瑞獣と言われる「獅子」恐ろしい形相で邪を払い、神前を守護する生き物として、平安時代より獅子・狛犬で対になる形態が定着。このリングに外の悪から守ってもらう。1979年カナダ発の彼女に言われました。"輪には終わりは無い。愛しつずけるよ" と。一生守ってもらいます。

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1 comment:

  1. シブいRing!
